
Unfamiliar words, places, and sundry other references get added to the list with a view toward richer cultural and conversational engagement.

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1 kayfabe the fact or convention of presenting staged performances as genuine or authentic; e.g. WWE wrestling
2 prepossession a preconceived opinion; a prejudice
3 vitiate 1. To reduce the value or quality of; impair or spoil. 2. To corrupt morally; debase: synonym: corrupt.
4 recalcitrant having an obstinately uncooperative attitude; see also: CONGRESS
5 oast a kiln used for drying hops; like a chimney
6 lacuna an unfilled space; gap
7 integument natural covering in biology, such as skin, a husk, or shell
8 farrago hodgepodge, mishmash, etc.
9 homunculus a very small human or humanoid creature
10 wain a wheeled cart pulled by a horse and used for carrying goods or people

The full list can be viewed here.

Definitions appearing on this page are generally either verbatim or derived from Merriam-Webster's College Dictionary, Tenth Edition, 1999 or its online counterpart.